Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Making of Soap Skin Lotion - What Is Its Main Function?


Skin Lotion

Soap made with lotion is quite popular these days because many people want the combination benefit of cleansing and moisturizing. This is the main reason why soap skin lotion making is gaining popularity. Take for instance the use of Shea butter and cocoa butter as additives to homemade soap skin lotions. The effect is the same as skin lotion, to soften the skin. But then again, the type of moisturizing ingredient that will be used is where the main difference will fall.

What is revolutionary about skin lotion soap is that it serves the purpose of providing a soft silky skin even while you are taking a shower. It contains light moisturizer as ingredient that easily seeps through the skin. If your skin gets too dry after taking a shower, this skin lotion product might be perfect for you. It immediately locks in the moisture after bath, which prevents the skin from being too dry. Even in dishwashing skin lotion soaps, skin lotion is becoming to be a popular ingredient because as we know, too much exposure to water can easily dry up the skin.

However, soaps made with lotion cannot serve a specific purpose or address a specific benefit. For instance, if you are thinking that this can take the place of your sunscreen, you are definitely wrong. Soap skin lotions are not made with sunscreen, so you still ought to apply a sun block with the highest SPF to prevent skin damage, especially on your face. Likewise, if you want a specific type of treatment, like a cellulite cream, you cannot get this from using a plain soap skin lotion.

Although this product is becoming to be popular in the market these days, you can also make your own skin lotion soap. All you need is a white skin lotion, preferably without the fragrance, as an ingredient to your soap. It can adapt to any process, whether melt and pour or cold process. And it is most advisable that you just add the fragrance of your choice during the process versus choosing a salve with your favorite perfume. This will keep the scent more appreciated because you directly mix it with the rest of the ingredients.

I personally made my soap with lotion and I must admit that it is one of my most favorite recipes. I also made several batches that I gave away to some friends. I even sold it in a bazaar and a lot of girls went crazy over it. It is surely amazing how two basic skin lotion products can be combined in one and serves both purposes of cleaning and softening the skin.

I hope that these facts gave you some useful information about soap skin lotion making process. The data contained in this article are just a few that you can further use as reference to research on more extensively, especially if you want to try out doing it yourself. Did I answer any of your questions regarding this amazing concoction? If yes, why not share some of your knowledge and comments by visiting the link below.


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