Friday, December 17, 2010

UV protection - sun and skin


UV protection - sun and skin

Not since the ozone hole is excessive sun bathing for the skin a strain. But whereas in earlier centuries, pale skin for beautifully kept, is nowadays usually tan as the ultimate for very fit, healthy glow.

The dose Strong - too much sun can harm

That the skin on exposure to excessive sunlight (or excessive tanning visit) is aging rapidly and regenerated less well is one thing. Finally, it is personal preference whether one wants to walk around with a skin appearance and structure of the tanned leather, are etched in the wrinkles and furrows. The problem is: the weakened through excessive sunbathing skin is less resistant, such as cancer.

The number of people who develop skin cancer, has in recent years in countries such as Australia, have been disadvantaged under the ozone hole increased. At least that should encourage even the most sun to protect their skin.

Self-protection time - different skin types vary much sun

For Central Europeans have the red or blond hair, freckles and pale skin, the natural protection time than ten minutes (skin type 1). Skin type 2, the blond-haired with pale skin are no freckles, they may be up to 20 minutes in the sun without getting sunburned. Dark blonde to brown hair and slightly tinted skin are the characteristics of skin type 3, which can support up to half an hour sun. Southern Europeans are usually the type 4 skin with dark hair and heavily tinted skin color - their own protection time is longer than half an hour.

Sunscreens extend the time you spend in the sun without the skin verbrutzelt - but it is no use if you repeatedly smear it.

The dose Strong - sun is vital

But sunlight is essential for the health of the other. Only with sunlight, the body can produce vitamin D - which is, among other things important for building our bones prevented, before the osteoporosis.

A light-deficiency disease in northern regions is the so-called winter depression. That's because sunlight stimulates the body that produce so-called happiness hormone serotonin - is missing the sun, then there's too little serotonin.

UV protection in summer

Who in the spring and summer a lot of the outdoors should do something good for his skin and protect it from an excess of sun. Here are some tips for UV protection:
Light clothing, the body mostly covered, long-sleeved shirts, long pants, a hat that shades the face (eg so a chic Australian leather hat ) - which prevents the heat stroke also.

Exposed skin should be moisturised with a sunscreen with high SPF (at least factor 15). Sun creams with mineral particles that reflect light, offer immediately after the application of protection from UV radiation. Other sunscreen products should be some time before the stay to apply outdoors.

lotion before swimming with absolutely waterproof sun cream - even in the water there is danger of sunburn.

After the swim, dry off some cream (every drop of water acts like a magnifying glass) and new.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

cell death by anti-aging substance

Rather than smooth out wrinkles, engages in drug DMEA in anti-aging creams collagen-forming cells and kills them.

DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol) is a component of many anti-aging creams. The alcohol with amine function to stabilize cell membranes and thus achieve a toning effect on the skin. But instead of a gentle face lift, the substance can damage the skin dramatically. Scientists came to this conclusion of the Canadian Laval University in Quebec.

As the team Guillaume Morissette in laboratory skin cells with the metabolic product brought into contact, the so-called fibroblasts swelled immediately and violently. These cells in the connective tissue of the skin produce collagen quality important. In the following hours, the scientists observed that the cells divided much more slowly. A considerable part of the fibroblasts died from even. After 24 hours, a quarter of the collagen-producing cells of dead anti-wrinkle effect was stirred ago according to scientists from the swelling of the fibroblasts, which makes the skin appear plumper.

Untested drug effects

Study leader Guillaume Morissette stressed that he was not as a cosmetic ingredient DMAE will condemn in principle, but says also: "DMAE has pharmacological properties, but there are few scientific conclusions about its effect. It is high time to deal with whether the substance is a health risk. "

DMAE, which is found not only in anti-aging creams, but as a tool in many other amenities, is for the scientist not an isolated case dar. Many ingredients in cosmetics were like drugs. But the laws regulating such products are far less stringent than for drugs - a fact that Guillaume Morissette is not justified holds.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There something about Acne.


Acne (pimples)

Acne is a skin disease that about 80 to 90 percent of all adolescents and young adults are affected in 20 years. The main distinguishing feature of acne are blackheads (comedones). Mild and moderate forms of acne can be customized with special cosmetics and prescription drugs treat yourself. If the acne is more severe or self-treatment after about 8 weeks no improvement occurs, a dermatologist should be consulted.

Whether treated or with medical assistance: a therapy always takes time. Up to a satisfactory outcome usually take several months.

About 80 to 90 percent of all adolescents and young adults under 20 are affected by acne. But many older people suffer from bad skin to have blackheads, pimples or acne. Of very severe form, are mainly affected young men. In most cases, an acne improved by 30 Of age.

In about 30 percent of cases, treatment is required by a dermatologist. Approximately 70 percent of people can be in their skin like pimples and blackheads treat successfully.

Complaints in acne

An acne can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from other skin blemishes associated with pimples, differ. The main distinguishing feature are blackheads (comedones). If not present, this is another form of skin from an impurity.

We distinguish mild, moderate and severe forms of acne:

Mild acne: The skin is large pores and slightly glossy to greasy. The blackheads are in front of all the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and are relatively little inflamed.

Moderate acne: in addition to comedones have also inflamed pustules and papules formed. You are not only in the face, but also in the range of cleavage, upper arms, chest and back.

Severe acne: blackheads, pustules and papules are other than serious, sometimes painful and severely inflamed lesions such as knots and scars exist. Of very severe acne are mainly affected young men.

Treatment of acne

Thorough and regular cleaning is the most important

No matter how severe the acne is high - a thorough and regular cleaning with the right products is essential.

The best care for all forms of acne:

2 times a day to wash skin, with gentle products such as synthetic detergents, washing gels or cleanser to remove excess sebum
After washing the skin with a slightly alcoholic tonic (Alkohlgehalt 5 to 10%) clean again and degrease. An alcohol content of more than 30% are not recommended, because then the skin becomes very dry.

Several times a week by an exfoliationto improve the draining of sebum, the horny cells of the skin and open comedones abzuschilfern to. In inflamed skin peels are not suitable.

For the care of the skin (oil-in-water emulsions) or fat-free gels using creams - no high-fat, skin care creams, as this also seal the pores

The care of the skin should be with creams (oil-in-water emulsions) or be fat-free gels.

Non-prescription drugs to treat mild to moderate acne

In mild and moderate acne drugs are also prescription should apply, the draining of sebum improve, reducing the cornification and fight the acne bacteria.

Non-prescription drugs are:
Benzoyl peroxide
Salicylic acid
Zinc oxide
Shale oil
Yeast (internal use)

In severe forms of acne should help the dermatologist

Severe forms of acne are in dermatological treatment. A doctor is also advisable if the self-treatment specific cosmetics and prescription drugs for 8 weeks with no significant success shows.

The dermatologist is prescription substances vitamin A-like substances or antibiotics as prescribed, the external, creams or gels are applied as solutions. If this is not successful, he can prescribe these drugs and oral.

Also, the gynecologist can help
Women with moderate or severe acne may be an oral contraceptive (pill)that the cyproterone acetate, chlormadinone acetate or dienogest containing active ingredients can prescribe. These drugs (progesterone) are antagonists of male hormones, the other to the excessive sebum production in acne (hyperseborrhea) are involved.

Causes of Acne
Combination of factors

In order for an acne, several factors must work together. These are:
excessive sebum in the skin (hyperseborrhea)
Excessive production of horny cells (hyperplasia), which clog the pores. formation of a "horny plugs"
Acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes)that the clogged pores will find ideal conditions in. You call out a inflammation and aggravate them.

As the horny plugs constitute clogs the pores of the skin can not flow more tallow and the result is a blackhead (comedo). Comedones may be open or closed. In the middle of open comedones often find black spots. This is not, as is often supposed to remove dirt, but a skin pigment (melanin).

Some medications promote acne
Some drugs are able to trigger or aggravate acne. Examples include:
Cortisone (steroid acne)
Anabolic steroids (doping acne ")
Some B-vitamins
Thyroid medication (anti-thyroid drugs)
Means to treat seizures (antiepileptic drugs)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beer for the beauty!

 What beer fans have always suspected, confirmed the science: In moderation, the beer is a light and sweet refreshment for body and soul. Beer makes relaxed, sociable and promotes valuable thanks to active ingredients even health. Still eludes us while drinking the best.

To make the beer more durable, that is filtered to 50 years from the resulting yeast during fermentation. Especially in this "primeval mud" but a real treasure lies in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements. But you do not give up so much good. Biolab has packed all the high-quality ingredients in tablets and brewer's yeast flakes - piece by piece, concentrated beauty and power.

For since the proportion of vitamin B1, B2 and B6 is particularly high in nature, the yeast products the purest beauty treatment for the skin. Blemishes are in fact often the result of a deficiency of B vitamins, so that regular consumption of beer yeast makes the skin beautifully clean and clear. Yeast from biological laboratory is available in drugstores and food retailers.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Top 10 Skin Care Tips


Skin Care Tip

Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement. This article on skin care tips is an effort, the 10 best skin care tips to get you. The list of skin care tips is limited to 10 because anything more that would be not only difficult to remember, but also shadow the more important skin care tips. So let's see what these top ten skin care tips:

*1 If you know your skin type is one of the most important skin care tip. This is important because not every skin care product suits everyone. In fact, give all skin care products of the type of skin they are also responsible.

*2 Drink plenty of water. This will not keep your skin moist, but will generally maintain your health (and to help turn your skin). It may be a bit awkward to some, but this is an important skin care tip.

*3 Clean your skin regularly (1-2 times a day). A very effective skin care tip that helps in getting rid of dirt and other harsh elements from your skin. Cleaning is especially important if you have been out of your house (and hence exposed to pollutants, dust, etc.). This skin care tip also advocates the use of warm water for cleansing (hot and cold water, both in damage to the skin)

*4 Be gentle, after all of his skin. Do not scrub / too hard or too often peeling. Likewise, dont apply too much or too many skin care products. A must-to-follow skin care tip.

*5 Keep your skin moist at all times. This is one of the most important skin care tip. Dont let your skin get dry. Drought caused to break the outer layer of the skin, resulting in a rough and unsightly. Use moisturisers / emollients. Moisturisers work best when applied while the skin is still damp.

*6 Avoid using soap on your face. Soap should be used only below the neck. A small but important skin care tip.

*7 Use sunscreen to protect yourself from harmful UV sun rays protection. You can day-care products that have built up in their sunscreen. Use them, even if its cloudy. UV radiation are known to cause skin cancer, so follow this skin care tip without fail.

*8 A bit of exercise and good sleep are essential too, not only for skin care but for your health as a whole. Lack of sleep can lead to the formation of wrinkles under the eyes and lack of exercise, your skin may cause slack. In addition, exercise and sleep also help in beating stress. So not just a skin care tip, this is a health tip.

*9 Treat skin dilemmas with care. This skin care tip is about not ignore skin dilemmas. Talk to your dermatologist before you go to a used product for skin care (so you do not damage the end of the skin even more).

*10 Beat the stress. The harmful effects of stress are known to everyone, but sometimes banal is essential too (and hence this skin care tip found its place here). Yes, stress harms to the skin. So, take a break or indulge in a warm bubble bath or just good sleep.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The skin heals faster with vitamins


Skin Care

Certain vitamins can maintain the skin over and protected. They work promotes healing when they are used for wound treatment. In natural medicine is recommended for ages external use of cod liver oil as a home remedy for treating wounds. This is due to unsaturated fatty acids on the, on the other, especially at the high vitamin A content of cod-liver oil. Vitamin A is known stimulates cell growth, it promotes rapid wound closure.

The Panthenol plays in wound healing and the treatment of sunburned skin or chapped lips a special role. Skin damage or irritation, the ointment can be treated with one that contains panthenol or panthenol, heal much faster than untreated skin lesions. In people with an optimal blood pantothenic acid content in the healing process takes place which is also much faster than in poorly-served persons ( panthenol ).
In addition, a sunburn, vitamin E, applied externally because of its anti-inflammatory properties may be helpful. This is true also for other inflammatory skin reactions.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The trend of drug caffeine smooths and firms the skin


Smooth Skin

Ingredients with skin-tightening effect are very popular. Is it the declining elasticity of the skin which cause wrinkles, tired facial features with sagging cheeks and double chin. But in personal care are lotions and oils for skin tight trend.

Figure care products are primarily effective against cellulite, the beauty of the female population nightmare. After all, two out of three women over 30 problems with cellulite. The wave profile skin (orange peel phenomenon) occurs primarily on the buttocks, abdomen and thighs. Experts consider the cellulite as a combination of female predisposition, nutritional deficiencies and lack of exercise. Often, in addition to the Fettgewebsvorwölbung in the epidermis also increased water storage is in the tissue.

Caffeine, the all-rounder in the beauty center
A valuable ingredient in skin care products that work against cellulite is the caffeine that we know of coffee and tea. Caffeine can be either from the coffee bean or be tea plant (Camellia sinensis) used or produced synthetically. In effect and tolerability, there are no differences. In dermatology, as an active ingredient is caffeine have long known: It drains the tissue and also activates an enzyme that helps break down the fat and divide. Lipolysis via the activation of the enzyme triacylglycerol lipase, which breaks down fats, releasing water into fatty acids and glycerol.

In streamlining oils or creams is caffeine in concentrations von0, used 5 and 3 percent. Important to know: As for skin care products are the overall composition must be taken into account, combinations with 0.5 percent caffeine may be as or more effective than products which contain more caffeine, but no other firming ingredients. The effect of caffeine in skin care is improved through measures that stimulate the circulation, including brushing or Zupfmassagen, the warming of the skin by winding, for example, with foil or peeling. This blood flow is increased, removed excess tissue fluid and reduces adipose tissue cells.

Caffeine reduces swelling in eye creams
Caffeine is used in cosmetics to skin care products that have a tightening effect, such as in massage oils or creams, but also in products with a decongestant effect, such as eye creams. In shampoos and hair tonics to caffeine are effective against hair loss.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Does the skin cosmetics?


Skin Cosmetics

Vera's call it, for the 45-year-old wants to remain anonymous. Let Vera looked so in Manhattan dermatologist Dr. Fran Cook-Bolden on and complained: "I am now 20 different cosmetics regularly: as well as vitamin C eye cream, another of the pigmentation because of an anti-wrinkle serum, a mask a cleanser, exfoliating agent to, to a very special detox cream on the basis of oxygen - but pleased I am with my skin absolutely not "doctor shook his head in disbelief The and recommended needed. "Throw away everything for daily skin care, in addition to the: soap. only three products a gentle cleanser, a good sunscreen and a special agent if you have pimples or pigmented spots for aging skin is maybe a vitamin-based moisturizing cream recommended sunscreen should be applied daily, Whether the sun shines or not. ". .

All this, so figured the New York doctor before her patient, there are in the drugstore for little more than $ 30 And she added, generalized: "It saves you dog hundreds of dollars," It belongs to a new generation of dermatologists who preach a return to nature "really .. This includes the dermatology professor Dr. Sarah Boyce Sawyer is one of the University of Alabama at Birmingham: "This is not the most expensive, at least it's not true that cheaper products are inferior. It is not a single scientific proof that expensive or even super-expensive products help the skin better. "

Parallel to this New Yorker knowledge is in Germany, a campaign that began with huge posters asked that read: "What are the main square of life" on other, later posters pasted there was the answer. "Your skin". Participate in this campaign include health insurance, professional associations, schools and doctors, including the doctor and TV host Susan Holst is reason enough there for searching use: from approximately 25 000 confirmed occupational diseases in 2005 were 9500 skin diseases, making this the list of occupational diseases lead. The more there are 100 insured per year 21 days sick leave. Cause skin diseases in Germany each year cost of four billion euros. For the next two years, more than 100 organizations and organizations that campaign for better stewardship of the largest organ in the human advertise - with the goal: healthy skin means less skin diseases.

Our skin Consists of the upper, upper skin and the skin and it is about four millimeters thick. She breathes and feels and has a memory - may even take offense, we have experienced each of us already. it Sun and chlorine can be bitter enemies of the skin. After each float So the skin should be lubricated, experts say, and they agree basically agree with what was there to hear from Manhattan: cosmetics can be great, can be expensive fragrances and preservatives without the skin Cheap.

Back in the USA. The local consumer organization tested the low-cost anti-wrinkle agent Olay Regenerist (35 dollars) and the expensive ($ 135) StriVectin SD and Lotion La Prairie Cellular (two combined for 335 dollars). The cheapest product which most effective. This dermatology professor Dr. Mary Ellen Bradmas: "There are people from 450 dollars for a jar cream, only because it contains something exotic like salmon eggs, perhaps - much cheaper doing it."

Experts agree that it: sunscreen should be used daily in all weathers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Argan - multi active for sensitive skin


Sensitive Skin

A treasured treasurer of Morocco is waiting to be discovered: For 50 million years, the argan tree has survived on the barren slopes of the Atlas Mountains. Berber healers have long known the benefits of the oil complex is derived from the seeds of up to 18 months maturing Arganfrüchte. 30 kilos, they must collect it in order to produce one liter of oil. But worth the effort because the locals use it as an effective care products for skin diseases. Efficacy was now being tested in Hamburg by doctors and dermatologists and confirmed. Of harmful environmental effects unencumbered is the orange colored skin Ardjan oil with no additives and is therefore suitable as multi active for allergy sufferers and people with sensitive skin. 80 percent of the oil consists of unsaturated fatty acids. The composition of the Fettsäureglyzerinester similar to human sebum, so Ardjan oil is taken up particularly well in rough and dry skin. Dermatitis sufferers feel a calming of the skin and a significant reduction of itching. Characteristic is the delicate nutty scent of the natural seed oil.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Anti-aging and what's behind The Skin


Anti Aging

About the cosmetic aspects of aging and the benefits of so-called anti-aging creams , we have Prof. Dr. Wolf-Ingo Worret of Dermatology of the University of Munich asked: Professor Worret, this is about the anti-aging skin treatment. Ahead the question: Does such treatment a thing?

Worret: Any sensible skin care make the skin appear younger and healthier as opposed to scruffy skin. At what age should man-aging skin care product anti?

Worret: Over 25 years of age the skin starts to. But here we are on the term "old skin" is the taboo in Germany. Literally translated from English to say it but "anti-aging". But we have to "mature skin," say the case. Moreover, this is different. The anti-aging products are also called "rich creams," which means they are particularly rich. When do you need it depends on the skin condition. Can some 40 years ago to attend poorly in others until 60th What ingredients, skin care creams contain these be in?

Worret: In this lush creams is primarily a high fat content. This is not always useful. Much more important is moisture. This is what ingredients like hyaluronic acid, collagen or another. Recently, materials such as caviar or Lamea used, the moisture will also bind. Does the statement: "The cost of the anti-aging creams is due to the expensive drugs and the research of the manufacturing firms that are always better ways to prevent skin aging, look for the. Very good creams generally have too low a concentration these ingredients on so that the desired effect is absent. " ?

Worret: not true, because more than for the equivalent of about three euros of active ingredients you get the best will not find the cream into saucepan. Higher prices are justified only in expensive oils, but are mainly due to the social component. An expensive cream in a beautiful package is more than a cheaper credited in a plastic box. One has the feeling of his skin cream more expensive to have done with the. Then the assertion is certainly true of the Stiftung Warentest, that cut anti-aging creams are not better nor worse than other day creams?

Worret: This is essentially correct. Can aging of the skin with more effective methods to stop him? We think of peeling, laser, Botox and other things in demand is currently as before?

Worret: Laser is actually out, because the side effects are too strong, it's broken skin too much. Although it should now be other laser under the skin act, but its benefits are questionable. The trend today is more likely to peel. This means, for a stress for the skin, but the other needs the skin from this challenge and, as such a weak heart also needs movement and not just absolute silence. This we know by now. Which wrinkles will recommend which method?

Worret: Peeling helps at all, so-called photo-aging, wrinkles, creases and wrinkles mentioned before, a lot of outdoor exercise or too much sun exposure caused by.
In gravitational wrinkles caused by the decrease of skin elasticity - the pull of gravity pulls the loose skin down - only helps lift, so the re-up-take of the skin. The frown lines that come from muscle overactivity, such as the forehead and mouth can be treated with Botolinumtoxin. What about the nasolabial folds?

Worret: While Botolinumtoxin for forehead wrinkles would be absolutely unbeatable, it helps practically not at the nasolabial folds. This must be treated with a so-called Filler. That is, one filled with the substances on the folds. collagen is well known, derived from bovine hides. Is there a risk of contracting BSE by itself?

Worret: This was once a hot topic, but today more as no one asks for it. But today it was then and no danger, because, first, the collagen content in cosmetics is so minimal, and the protein components of only large molecules are second, not the organism can penetrate into. A résumé can therefore be stated that a good skin care is never wrong, no matter what age. So you can delay the aging process a bit and perhaps not quite early to other methods such as lift or Botox must resort.

Worret: You say it. One should select the best quality care products means to put in, while the personal attention to skin structure. Products with a wide range for different skin types are more suitable for individual skin care products as the skin will be hailed as ideal for each. With a good line of cosmetics from the chemist can do little wrong. Prof. Worret, Thank you for the informative interview.

Acne - What you should know as a patient


Acne Patient

In addition to history and background of the skin disease is an inspection of the skin decisive for the choice of treatment and the success of therapy.

The patient's age and time of occurrence of acne
The question of the age of the patient and the date of the occurrence of acne, the doctor will provide the beginning of the conversation history. Because it plays an important role for the classification of skin disease, how old is a patient when the acne is the first time stepping on and how the acne then developed: In most cases, a Common acne (acne adolutorum) available .

There are, however, in the neonatal acne (acne neonatorum) or prepubertal children (acne infantum) and an acne-paced continued in adulthood, usually the 25th or after the Age is (acne tarda). An acne that has developed during puberty is different to-value-ten, as an acne that persists into adulthood and then the first appearance. An acne that is after the first occurrence of rapidly worse, requires a different treatment than acne, whose development is more gradual. The dermatologist must treat acne patients many options for customization.

Family background
Next, the doctor would know for sure whether the patient's family before acne has occurred. The more frequent and severe the illness in the family has occurred, are expected to be more likely with severe cases. With such a family history of the doctor for severe acne with antibiotic tablets or more of the drug isotretinoin would prescribe as may be sufficient in the absence of family history in the same case, an effective antibiotic-free gel can.

Presence of other skin diseases
The dermatologist will certainly want to know also whether the patient is suffering from other skin diseases and whether contact or drug allergies. This information provides the physician with evidence, which medicinal products are in principle. If the patient has already responded to a particular drug, such as on an antibiotic, an allergy or intolerance, it should of course not be used for the treatment of acne.

Drug history
As a number of drugs cause acne, can the dermatologist will ask what medications the patient is taking. . For example, apply thyroid medications, certain antibiotics, high dose vitamin B supplements as "acne provocative" Have the acne problems arise soon after taking these supplements, the doctor can usually do without any anti-acne medication: the blackheads, papules and pustules form after discontinuation or changing the medication back on its own.

There is another reason the doctor about taking medication are minimized informal: The acne drugs must be tailored to the existing medication. The only way to prevent side effects or interactions. Must take the acne patient such as permanent medication because of other underlying diseases, skin doctor may tend to get acne initially through an external therapy under control. He will use tablets only if put ointment or cream does not provide sufficient therapeutic success.

Cosmetics history
Certainly ask the dermatologist, especially in female acne patients even after the use of cosmetics. Sibility for the application of grease to cosmetic prod-acne are easily provoked. The patient should use regular fat, skin care creams on your face, your doctor will consider whether the enrichment of the skin could be triggers of acne.

Similarly, the patient should be questioned about his lifestyle. Even problematic life habits can have a negative effect on acne. Here should be mentioned in particular smoking, alcohol abuse and drug use. Stress also seems to promote acne.

Preference for certain forms of therapy
Finally, the doctor will want to know which preferred embodiments of the patient with drugs. The patient carries on like tinctures or ointments may he prefer? If the patient is willing to follow complicated instructions therapy, or the application may require only a minimal effort? The doctor would know this to find a treatment strategy that fits exactly to the individual patient. For only if the patient is the treatment carried out regularly, consistently and in the long term, together with the doctor, is a prerequisite for effective and sustainable treatment of acne without causing damage, for example in the form of scars, where

Thursday, October 28, 2010

33 Skin Care Tips Part 3 - Article end


Skin Care Tips

Tip 23: cold against swelling
Stored in a refrigerator, with gel-filled teething rings for babies have swollen eyelids again subside to normal size. In a pinch, it also does a nice, cool Frottetuch.

Tip 24: Maintain Chapped lips
Wind, sunlight and lack of care dry skin from the lip. Lip balm or creams protect the skin of the lips and prevent the skin's natural moisture evaporates. Chronic dry lips should be a balm to natural oils (eg castor oil, almond or jojoba oil) or a dollop of honey to be treated. Often have colored lipsticks with lanolin the same effect.

Tip 25: remove blackheads in 2 phases
To unpleasant to inflammation in terms of so-called blackheads, it is recommended annoying Talgpfropfen on nose, forehead and chin with so-called anti-comedo-strips removed. These strips work when wet, sticking and stripping principle. In Phase 1, the plug-in Strip Polymers combine with the blackheads. Peel off the blackheads will be removed from the pore. The treated areas of skin are rubbed in phase 2 with an antibacterial cloth.

Tip 26: Do not pluck and tear
To make the skin care as gently as possible and to improve the absorption of active ingredients, the skin should be treated gently. The skin care products on the forehead and cheeks easily incorporated in a circular motion. To the eye area gently tapping it with the fingertips of the middle finger. During the streak, the neck skin care creams are with the entire palm, from top to bottom.

Tip 27: Oxygen keeps young
Those who regularly resides in the fresh air pumped in, a lot of oxygen in his lungs: 95% through the mouth, 5% through the skin. Oxygen-containing creams can make the cells of the drug directly. In the cells of oxygen causes a pitch pulse that makes the skin look younger and fresher.

Tip 28: Drink plenty
The body consists of more than 70 percent water. For lack of moisture caused creases quickly, so it's about the day at least 3 liters, preferably mineral water or unsweetened tea to drink.

Tip 29: sleep well
If it were up to the skin, it should be early as 8 hours of sleep a night. Instead of a fluffy down pillows, a firm, flat pillows are used. Thus, the cervical spine remains straight and when lying creases have no chance. Stomach sleeper twist usually very strong and should try to head in another position to sleep.

Tip 30: cell renewal with vitamin A acid
In the fight against wrinkles vitamin A acid is a very effective drug. The problem however is its irritating effect. Today the drug is therefore preferred by dermatologists used to smooth the skin, eg for early wrinkles or even with acne scars. It is found only rarely in cosmetic preparations.

Tip 31: milk bath for smooth skin
A milk bath, whey bath or relax, makes beautiful and soothing dry, sensitive skin. Causes the milk sugar, which is a great moisture binders and lots of vitamins, minerals, lactic acid, fat and protein. All these components are important for regeneration and nutrition of the cells.

Tip 32: fruit acids for thick, coarse-pored skin
The use of AHA and BHA (alpha and beta hydroxy acids) containing creams, also known as fruit acid creams, the horny layer of skin thinner while the cell regeneration is accelerated. The result is a finer and smoother skin, the skin is moisturized better. Caution: Avoid sun exposure that occur as pigment disorders.

Tip 33: Q 10 against free radicals
Aggressive, oxygen molecules are driving the aging process. With Q 10, a co-enzyme which is formed by the body itself, the so-called free radicals are neutralized. Q 10 is used in many face creams and capsules for food supplements are used.

33 Skin Care Tips Part 2


Skin Care Tips Part

Tip 12: Tea Tree Oil against impurities
Tea tree oil (from Australia) in about five percent solution has a strong disinfectant and can kill pimples. After two to three days, the improvement will be visible.

Tip 13: Beware of extreme diets
In extreme fluctuations in body weight and the elastic fibers in the skin are affected. Massage, sports and body care can prevent this. Weight fluctuations to two kilos, however, are harmless.

Tip 14: Moisture for oily skin
In a greasy skin there is a Talgüberproduktion. In the care should be taken strictly on the skin of a lot of moisture, but no fat is added. are highly suitable hydrogel or a light oil-free fluid specifically for oily skin.

Tip 15: facial massage for better blood circulation
With only four handles, each 20 seconds used, can achieve excellent results. A nutrient cream is very good for the skin cream with a soothing massage to connect.

1. Apply with two palms wide area of the nose, cheeks towards your ears.
2. The forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers like a fan removed from the starting nose to the hairline.
3. Drawing with both middle and ring fingers half-circle around the mouth.
4. stress in a train on bridge of nose and eyebrows.

Tip 16: moisturizer on damp skin
Wet skin is swollen and receptive than dry. So it is recommended moisturizers in this state in an upward and circular motions to apply.

Tip 17: moisture for dry skin
Moisturizing agents such as ceramides, Hyoloronsäure or synthetically produced urea inject water into the dry skin and create moisture deposits. Since very dry skin from even this is not in a position to recommend the use of so-called moisturizers.

Tip 18: Avoid red veins
Anyone sensitive to rosacea (extended red veins) prone skin will not charge more, should avoid high temperature falls. Hazard zones are sauna, solarium and air-conditioned rooms. Even the consumption of nicotine, alcohol and spicy foods should be restricted.

Tip 19: steam makes the skin more receptive
Heat and rising steam open the pores, make the skin more receptive and allow the active ingredients penetrate better. It is recommended that the face mask to pair it with a full bath. By the same principle, the skin can be prepared with warm compresses on care. Just a beach towel in hot water, heat it out well and put on the skin. Repeat the process several times.
Note: Apply the mask to exfoliate before making that optimizes the inclusion of the substances

Tip 20: neck pampered with oil Wrap
From the age of 35 years should be regularly done something for the often neglected neck area, because the skin there is very fast limp and wrinkled. To be effective in oil wrap have been found: three teaspoons of warmed oil (eg, almond, avocado, sunflower, wheat germ, olive, or burdock root oil) with the same amount of liquid honey, mix and paint with a makeup brush on the match between chin and collar bone. Ready pocketed the lot is covered with a damp cotton cloth and wrapped with a soft Frottetuch. Remove after half an hour.

Tip 21: Tired eyes refresh
Half a teaspoon of herbs from the pharmacy as eyebright, linden flowers and fennel with 125 ml of boiling water to cool move, and leave. Two cotton pads soaked with juice and put on the back before they are placed for about 10 minutes on the closed eyelids. There are also ready-eye-pads, which are already soaked in decongestant.

Tip 22: Ice massage for good circulation
Best to use distilled water with a dash of lemon juice accumulate and freeze. For better blood circulation as the legs that give ice cubes on a laundry stain and rub in circles. The cold shock brings the blood vessels to rapidly move in together. The lemon has an astringent effect.

33 Skin Care Tips Part 1


Skin Care Tips

Tip 1: Regular cleaning
Through the morning and evening cleaning not only creams and makeup to be removed but also contains oil and sweat. The pores do not clog and bacteria can not reproduce.

Tip 2: cleaning milk instead of water
Water alone is not capable of the oily mixture of tallow, creams and make-up to break away from the skin. For this you need lipophilic (fat dissolving) substances, such as are found in cleaning milk.
The cleansing milk is best massage with your fingertips or a sponge and just soak and then rinse with warm water.

Tip 3: Facial builds
Face water helps to speed up the reconstruction phase of the acid mantle, which still needs a cleaning usually 20 to 30 minutes. In addition, the calcium deposits from water face of the tap water and cleaning residues that clog the pores in the long run and so could provide impurities.

Tip 4: Purification of mature skin
For the purification of mature skin are water-in-oil emulsion suitable as they receive the protective layer of the skin. Equally suitable cleansing creams, for example, with plant oils such as jojoba, sweet almond or soy are enriched.

Tip 5: soap with only robust, oily skin
Since soap is one of the alkaline cleaning agents, thereby attacking the protective acid mantle, soap should be used only for very robust, more oily skin. For all other skin types should be dispensed with regular soap.

Tip 6: not for sensitive or dry skin face lotion alcohol
The fat and moisture content of a sensitive or dry skin should not to charge additionally face no water can be used with alcohol, but alcohol-free tonic water or thermal spray. Redness, inflammation and itching can be avoided.

Tip 7: fine, rosy complexion by exfoliation
Horny scales make the skin look dull and colorless. A tailored to the particular type of skin peeling away the skin cells without irritating the skin and stimulates blood circulation. Tiny synthetic beads or granules of natural crushed apricot seeds, bran or sea sand act like ultra fine sandpaper.

Tip 8: Masks - fast beautifier
The effect of masks is immediately visible, so masks are also known as the fast beautifier of cosmetics.
Masks with a high moisture content makes the skin cells to swell, thus the skin plumper, fresher and smoother, wrinkles are reduced.
For stressed skin, there are special masks with moisture-Kräuteraus trains such as menthol, mint, camphor etc.. They have a refreshing and cooling, redness and swelling disappear. Moisture mask with extracts of chamomile, lemon balm and hops soothe sensitive, irritated skin.

Tip 9: Night creams support regeneration
At night, the rate of cell division is eight times higher than during the day, ie the regeneration process is in full swing. An early morning light swelling can be seen that the removal of lymph fluid and waste products at night does not work so well. Night creams with active ingredients of ginkgo complexes, pro-vitamin E, amino acids from wheat proteins, etc. support the regeneration of the skin.

Tip 10: Observe Limited durability of creams
Printed before dates are for unopened jars and tubes. Opened creams should always be closed and if possible be used within 3 months, particularly when stored at room temperature. The hotter, the faster the oils become rancid or formed in the crucible bacteria. For natural beauty, this is all the more.
Even the mixed creams without preservatives should be used immediately or frozen

Tip 11: Vitamin C stimulates the skin
Stressed skin with vitamin C is back on track. Included in creams, it stimulates the production of skin's own collagen fibers and stimulates also supply the cell metabolism.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tips for natural skin care and face.


Natural Skin Care

Radiance Skin lotion
Prepare a Skin lotion containing cucumber recognized for centuries for its soothing and toning the skin. Preparation of Skin lotion: Put to boil a half liter of water. Cut a cucumber into pieces and dip it in boiling water. Cook for 5 minutes. Leave to cool then strain the water cucumbers. You can use this Skin lotion every morning applied to cotton.This preparation will keep for about 10 days in the refrigerator.Cons bags under the eyes

Who did not wake up one day with these horrible bags under my eyes? Several options are available: Apply a slice of cucumber over each eyelid for at least 15 minutes. Take the opportunity to relax ... In the absence of cucumber, you can also use apple slices (they must however be juicy to be effective ...). Get an infusion of chamomile (in bags if you do not have the option to buy flowers of chamomile). Apply your eye compresses soaked in chamomile tea (or direct infusion bags). Leave them for about 15 minutes. Your pockets will be well attenuated, your eyelids deflated by the calming effect of cucumber, apple or camomile. Homemade Makeup Remover

Sew your own lotions. For this, mix a volume of lemon juice or orange, a volume of petroleum jelly and a volume of sweet almond oil. Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous preparation. Fresh and invigorating, you can use this preparation as a citrus facial cleanser classic. Stir well before each use. Chapped Lips

The lips are often weakened by the cold or the sun instead. To remedy the chapped lips and find beautiful lips, go a little sweet almond oil at night before bed. Your lips will be well hydrated and restored to their sweetness. Cleansing milk with honey

Sew your own milk bath. For this, mix one tablespoon acacia honey in 20 ml of milk. Mix thoroughly. You can use this mixture every morning and evening milk as a standard toilet. Then simply rinse your skin "sweet" with a lotion. The preparation must be kept cool (maximum 8 days). White teeth

For whiter teeth, brush them every day with fresh lemon juice. Another solution: brush them with a little baking soda. Please note, however, not to repeat this operation too often, because the baking soda could damage the enamel of your teeth.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Skin care during pregnancy


Skin care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes affect our mood as well as on our skin, however, threatened by the considerable weight gain. It 'absolutely necessary to understand the needs of the epidermis and act accordingly with appropriate cleaning products and a routine that must be trimmed based on our new needs.

During pregnancy, every step must be carefully monitored, and before using any product you need to know the advantages and disadvantages that could cause the woman and child in particular many products for shock action against cellulite, acne and stretch marks, blemishes very common in pregnancy are not recommended as indicated on the package.

Here is a list of some of the cornerstones of skin care during pregnancy.

Protection from harmful sun rays.
During pregnancy, skin pigmentation may change and the effect of the sun can be very different than usual. solar products will then be chosen carefully, and even in the city must protect exposed areas like the face and hands

Bathes prolonged
Baths or showers are too long can cause severe dehydration of the skin, if that's your case should be avoided, and for the same reason in some cases may be necessary to give up swimming. In general, the skin hydration in pregnancy needs much greater than normal.

Maintain the Ph balance
This is very important and the choice of skin care products must be done in this direction

Using gel for feet and legs
Even if you've never used these types of lotions, during pregnancy it is best to start because these body parts are particularly stressed, especially in recent months

Adequate sleep
Even those accustomed to the small hours of sleep or have irregular rhythms should set a more healthy routine, ensuring many hours of sleep, even nine or ten if possible. Sleep, skin, and repair against damage caused by stress and pollution.

The cleansing must be done with non-aggressive: for a bath or shower, better focus formulations in cream or oil to avert that dehydration is often caused by normal body soap. For the face you can opt for neutral detergent for delicate and light scrub.

Eye Care
The eyes need special attention during pregnancy. Those who wear contact lenses may have problems caused by excessive dryness of the retina, even though these problems do not occur, it is strongly recommended to limit the use of lenses, not breached the 3-4 hours a day, and opting per diems, especially during the last months.

Some women suffer from acne during pregnancy. If a thorough daily cleaning does not solve the problem, you can contact a dermatologist, informing them of your condition so that it can only undergo the treatment allowed.

Even clothing can act more or less positively on the state of your skin during pregnancy, in particular, are recommended heads comfortable, soft and light, natural fibers, to avoid rashes and dermatitis. Even in winter, it is best to wear only cotton in contact with the skin, such as a long-sleeved t-shirt under the sweater.

As you know, nutrition during pregnancy should be light and healthy, rich in fruits and vegetables and water, among the various benefits this will also act positively on your skin.

Skin Care, Stretch Marks How to remove stains



The skin plays an important role as regards the protection of our body, is actually a protective barrier against attacks coming from the outside world, this reason for decision carefully.
Here are the main functions of the skin keeps the body regulate temperature by sweating, in fact, most of the heat (80%) produced by the body is lost through the skin.
Thanks to its flexibility allows us to "absorb" small strokes and rubbing various and above allows us, through perspiration, the elimination of waste produced by the body.
Last but not least, through its nerve endings, allows us to get in touch with the outside world through touch, allowing us to experience the various sensations of heat, cold and pain.
During the day, so while we are awake, the skin protects us from the sun and pollution, but when we sleep, it regenerates its own cells.

The skin of a person Young is renewed completely in about a month, but over time the skin loses firmness, can no longer take care of itself and its rate of regeneration it is somewhat compromised. This slowdown is the root cause of wrinkles and dark spots that are formed usually on the face and hands. Many people are aware of the presence of spots on the skin especially in late summer, because exposure to the sun, which this season is more prolonged and frequent, increases the risk of the occurrence of skin spots, especially with the ' age.

The formation of the spots is due to an irregular production of melanin, a pigment responsible for skin color, production of which increases according to the stimuli it receives from outside, such as ultraviolet rays, because this pigment has the duty to protect dal'esposizione sunlight.
Normally the skin, a dark face, if not more exposed to the sun, back light, but sometimes, for reasons not yet known, this mechanism does not work perfectly and that's that form the spots.
An important role for the care and healthy skin is covered by vitamin A, in addition to the known benefits to the eye, vitamin A also has a major influence on the growth of the skin. A deficiency of this vitamin makes the skin dry and accentuates the presence of wrinkles. Vitamin A, this especially carrots, spinach and melon favors the work of the cells thereby improving the health status. Not only that. It is able to activate the production of collagen, a protein that gives elasticity to the skin and most especially the lighter skin color, reducing the dark spots of old age or by the sun and, lastly, collagen smooths wrinkles, improves the process renewal of skin cells by improving the skin's appearance.

Why is it important to take care of the skin

The skin tissue that covers the entire body (the skin is the largest organ in our body) carries out major operations in terms of health and for this reason that should be kept under control in the same manner as other organs. The skin should not be overlooked, as well as protect, is also a good indicator for the functioning of our body, with good reason, the skin can be regarded as the mirror that reflects the state of health of a person. Indeed, changes in skin color, we can provide useful information about the general state of health, as well as the change in temperature, the appearance of lesions, perspiration are all red flags that may indicate the presence of various diseases .

Skin Care

Treatment and Skin Care
As for the spots, in some cases it is sufficient to arm yourself with a little 'patience and wait until they disappear by themselves, in other cases, these are very evident when you can resort to cosmetic treatments using whitening action but need to be protracted for at least two months with the application of creams or lotions for at least two times a day.
A simple DIY method for removing brown spots typical of old age is to rub the skin for a few minutes with essential oil of eucalyptus in the morning and the evening also functions as an alternative to castor oil.

Skin care products are a major reason why you lose the Fresh


Skin care products are a major reason why you lose the Fresh

When was the last time you watched a perfect baby skin and skin still looked like he wanted? While it is true there are natural changes that occur in the body that upset the delicate balance of the skin, it is also true that many skin problems such as the experience we have our children into adulthood and can be prevented by a good natural cure skin routine and good skin care products. However, what is necessary to achieve this objective, fresh, young look may surprise you.

Let's look at what we do to our skin as you move from babyhood to adulthood.

As children, and our kids, we sometimes outside for most of the day - in summer we are in and out of the pool or beach, our guide, bike, sports or park. In winter we are out skiing, ice skating, sledding, making snowmen and having snowball fights with our friends. The children were living like that for centuries.

You might think that all that exposure to the sun and the elements would result in severe skin problems. However, even if sometimes we had to use skin care products for the occasional episodes of chapped hands and faces in the winter or to soothe sunburns is usually the beginning of the summer season, our use of these remedies was minimal and, overall, our skin problems were not anywhere near what they are today. In fact, skin cancer has become common, and eczema has reached epidemic proportions.
So what has changed? The big change is Chemicals: Our air used to be pristine, our food is grown naturally and locally, and our products for skin care tends to be the same things our grandmothers used. Now, in some cities, you look at the pollution each day to see if it is safe for our kids to play outside, our foods are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, hormones, antibiotics and substances from laboratories that do not really have no resemblance to food, and our skin care products are loaded with things we are not able to speak and, in many cases, have proved toxic.

Every day our bodies spend countless amounts of energy trying to get rid of these chemicals and toxins - and one of the main roads out of the body is through our skin. Is it any wonder that skin problems are also increasing?

What is the remedy? Buy fresh, buy local, buy and natural - and naturally applies to everything from food to clothing, from household cleaners and soaps and bath products, from dry sun block lotions and other skin products skin care.

For chemicals can not be avoided - there is no way to escape by air - use a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion keeps the environmental pollutants that inevitably come into contact with each minute of the day.

For nine months, infants are fully protected from the environment - except for the degree that their mothers were exposed to toxins. The trouble begins when they are exposed to chemicals in our harsh environment. If you want skin like a baby, you have to treat well. Protect and nourish with a natural lifestyle, natural skin care products. And do not forget the shielding lotion!

Natural Skin Care - Natural way to healthy skin


Natural Skin Care

Natural skin care is the care of the skin (the largest organ of the body) using naturally-derived ingredients (such as herbs, roots, essential oils and flowers) combined with natural carrier agents, preservatives, surfactants, emulsifiers and humectants (to be all natural soap to oils to pure water). The classic definition of natural skin care is based on the use of botanical ingredients currently existing in or formed by nature, without the use of synthetic chemicals, and manufactured in such a way as to preserve the integrity of the ingredients.

Cleaning of the cheek with cold water and soap is prohibited for any crust. For a natural crust on the morning swill simple enough hot water. Broda is necessary to make the last cold but not ice water. Many folk take normal rind maintenance recipes for remedies to care for their skin at home. Many spas and salons rind maintenance now focus on using more natural derivative of rind maintenance products. Some examples of normal maintenance crust ingredients include jojoba, safflower oil, rose basin seed oil, shea butter, beeswax, witch hazel, aloe vera, tea tree oil and chamomile. Many of these combinations, the normal component can be adapted to the special private character of the crust or crust circumstances. People who take normal rind maintenance products are less concerned with artificial beauty accessories, as a normal aspect that beauty is rugged beauty.

Nutrients beat a significance in maintaining a solid crust. Diet plays a significant character in maintaining the health of the crust. Diet should provide all the nutrients needed to build health, namely, protein, carbohydrates, fats, essential fatty acids and all the vital vitamins and minerals. The cleaning of the skin is often very important because contamination, stain and dirt adhere to the crust, clogging pores, while the system eliminates toxins through perspiration. If the cleaning procedure is not strictly taken, and the crust seem to look slow, tired and meaningless crust problems and irritations will transpire. Although high vulnerability to sunlight can develop symptoms of aging and may even predispose them to cancer, less vulnerability to continuous sunlight in the day light of day is important to restore your crust.

Normal skin maintenance products really suitable for any type of crust and it is recommended to habituate crust with normal maintenance of products mundane earth. Healthy and attractive crust is no longer an ambition if you go precautions and care to refund the diet and drill. A diet for blemish-prone crust should be consistently higher in protein and fresh, uncooked fruits and vegetables. Toner is not sufficient to clean away the crust and help to remove any particles that may get left behind but also cools, nourishes, moisturizes and refreshes your crust.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Ten rules for healthy skin



What can I do to keep our skin healthy?

For the protection and care of the most important barrier that protects us from the outside world and maintain the internal balance of the human body, the Italian dermatologists reveal the Decalogue to a healthy skin.

1) Hydration is the salvation of the skin: note that the stratum corneum of the skin is likened to a "wall": in fact it has a unique structure, organization with a brick (the cells called corneocytes) and mortar (intercellular lipids) . When the skin is particularly dry and tired is appropriate to use local treatments based emollient creams and moisturizers. This variety can lead to normalization of the skin barrier in patients with dry skin, while providing protection against external agents. Today, dermatologists use two instrumental techniques, non-invasive, and the TEWL corneometry to study the skin. TEWL is derived fromcomes from TEWL Trans Epidermal Water Loss indicating "water loss transpidermica. The new cosmetic formulations are getting closer and closer to what is the composition of natural skin lipids Members of our defense. The barrier is more or less resistant to the environment.

2) Keep a clean skin: cleanse the skin carefully is always important, but to do good is very important to use a foaming cleanser, not to alter the hydro-lipid film surface and reduce its non-barrier effect. Aggressive cleaning agents can, in fact, deplete the thin film made of water and sebum that protects the skin. The skin becomes exposed to the irritation but also to small infections. It is also useful to spend the evening after cleansing the face before going to sleep and an ice cube on face and neck and prr about a minute. This measure facilitates vasoconstriction, ie narrowing of the capillaries, produced by the cold and the subsequent reactive vasodilation, that is their spread. Actions that will play a physiological "exercise" to the capillaries and promote oxygenation and cellular metabolism.

3) Because the skin can be properly hydrated is necessary that is also smooth. To achieve this it is useful to regularly once or twice a week is a scrub on your face on the body. If in some areas as a special thickening of the dermis is also recommended that a medical peeling. But in these cases, if you must go to the beach and sunbathe, it is important to think about at least a month before.

4) To eat well and get a supply of antioxidants: the first beauty care for the skin comes from within. Oxidative stress is a major cause of cellular aging. This aging process is the basis for many chronic degenerative diseases (arteriosclerosis, diabetes, skin cancer and other organs). Over the past 50 years it was observed that the power supply is a crucial factor in environmental protection for all complex diseases and aging. It was so clearly demonstrated that the "Mediterranean Diet", based on fruit, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, including fish and reduce the consumption of animal fats for olive oil - rich in antioxidants - perform an action protection for the various diseases, including cardiovascular, cancer and for aging. In particular, it was shown that substances such as resveratrol (contained in red wine), apigenin (indicated in orange), lycopene (in tomatoes), hydroxytyrosol (contained in olive oil) influencing the complex mechanisms that regulate both the proliferation differentiation of epidermal cells (keratinocytes) may be a factor in prevention against aging processes, exerting a powerful anti-aging effect. There are also a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and a strong antiproliferative activity of these molecules, which expand their scope in common skin diseases such as psoriasis, acne and photoaging.

5) Always check in: a good rule is to control the moles, especially those little brownish and found which are in melanociatri and can always increase in size and number. Always follow the ABCD rule, where "A is for asymmetry, B for border, C for color, size D and E for age or evolutionary. If there is a rapid increase in size, the worsening of the pigmentation ol'estendersi, ol'ulcerazione spontaneous bleeding of a mole, there is danger that the newly transformed melanoma. In these cases you should immediately contact a dermatologist.

6) Finally, a friend, the sun! There are indeed risks to those who are exposed to the sun today? The truth is that exposure does not involve any special rational, especially if preceded by the application 'correct' in a sunscreen. But it is essential to apply sunscreen often, in adequate quantity and 10 or 15 minutes before sun exposure, so that the product may have sufficient time to penetrate the skin. No exposure so indiscriminate, but also remember that the sun can make them very well. That's right, in fact, meet the natural need and just need to escape and vacation, but convincing people to make proper use of means of sun protection, which are not only represented by sunscreens, but also by common clothing, as a light-colored T-shirt which is perfect when the sun is at peak and the complexion is very light or why not, from a traditional umbrella. For screens today, there is simply spoiled for choice. The infinite range of solar products is so great in number and quality, to confuse an unwary buyer. There are many companies, large product range, the infinite series of numbers (10, 30, 40, 50 +) and promises of protection (medium, high, very high ....).

When a person requesting a "tan" was told by the dermatologist who must use a screen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 40, it is absolutely predictable reply: "But I'm not so abbronzerò ever !!!". The truth is that especially in the early days, when the skin is unaccustomed to UV light, it needs real protection, not an excuse: "My skin is protected from the filter and, therefore, I can be in the sun as it seems to me." And then the sun can also be good to those who have certain skin disorders: acne, psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema, as some of those children avail themselves of sun exposure or even have a vital need. The light therapy is effective in these cases as other therapies, in fact allows the reduction or suspension of the traditional ones, with good peace of patients and, if small, of their parents.

7) Special attention should be paid to the protection of the skin of children and pregnant women: the sunburn in childhood are in fact associated with an increased risk of skin cancer in adulthood. So you have to avoid them being in the sun during the hottest hours, must be protected with protection factors higher than 15, often renewing the application. Even pregnant women should take particular care. The sun may in fact lead to a worsening of dark spots (chloasma gravidarum) that often occur naturally mainly on the face (cheekbones, upper lip, forehead), until they become indelible. Heat can also cause a dilation of blood vessels, increase the itching "pregnancy" and lower the blood pressure. Remember, finally, to apply a moisturizing cream after sun exposure so that the skin remains perfectly elastic.

8) Pay attention to the spots on the skin: If spots appear 'suspect' on the skin can be white or dark it is essential immediately contact the specialist. Today, dermatologists have access to various weapons to eliminate them. For those dark using substances such as azelaic acid. Now, using substances such as azelaic acid, kojic acid, and combinations of the two products. Still semi-experimental acid acetilcisteaminilico, but are also used chemical peels and laser. But you must also remove the possible causes: eliminating scented creams and then, when possible, the photosensitizing drugs. More often, however, the white spots that appear on the skin of an Italian two. It is not just the fault of vitiligo, which affects about one million of Italians. A discoloration of the skin, for 4-5% of the population, there are also signs of atopic dermatitis most pronounced when the tan goes away with the typical 'leopard'. Small round spots, however, can affect the course of life, 50% of the population, and are due to a very common fungus that feeds on keratin. Congenital, however, the piebaldism or white pigmentation of the skin.

9) Be careful taking of drugs and cosmetics: in fact there are many side effects that may arise in the course of administration of two or more drugs with different mechanisms of action. The skin is in fact the favorite target of these reactions and is the organ most affected in young adults, children and the elderly. But attention to cosmetics, the first case of skin irritation. A problem of easy evaluation and still underestimated, because the lesions are often of little relevance critical and are not documented. In all these cases the diagnosis can be performed in dermatological centers that have provided specific allergens to be tested on the skin of patients with suspected allergy.

10) Face: Botox and fillers are bad or good? Mitigate or to wipe out wrinkles and imperfections seem a "must" but as in many areas of medicine, everything depends on the operator. The quality of materials and substances used, together with the skill of the operator-dermatologist-expert are the best guarantees for success. The appearance, at any age, is now essential for those individuals who carry out a public activity, or so they believe the most. But it must however be noted that the dermatologist does not have a magic wand . We often find themselves asked: "I want to remove this mole from his cheek, can eliminate it?". The weeklies are often filled with promises of medical and surgical equipment which is not always possible to maintain, because the removal of a mole, as performed by hand highly skilled, will always leave a trace, even if minimal. And then the attitude of the doctor must be to really understand what the 'neo-blemish "is a ground of dissatisfaction and impaired quality of life for the patient.

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Sensitive Skin Care Tips and Skin lotions for sensitive skin



The skin is a fascinating organ, unparalleled in its complexity, but necessary for all aspects of daily life. Most of the time, the skin works so well that we only notice when we are uncomfortable. The skin is our interface or boundary between us and the environment and ourselves and other people. We are constantly looking for new and better products, practices and solutions for the stress that everyday life places on our skin.

Sensitive Skin Care Tips

Wear a sun block every day ... The main cause of premature aging is exposure to the sun without adequate care and protection.

Do not wash your skin too often ... Washing strips oil and moisture. In addition, tap water contains chlorine which causes oxidative damage. Washing your face twice a day is sufficient.

No smoking ... Smoking can cause skin to age prematurely, as well as take an unflattering sallow tone. Nicotine reverse your anti aging routine quicker than anything else.

Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes ... That, and the delicate skin around them. Be careful in checking the products label and make sure that provide UVA and UVB protection.

Hot water over hot ... When you choose a bathing hot water warmer. It is not as drying and is more natural.

Get ample sleep ... Most of the body repair and renewal occurs during sleep.

Follow a system of night ... Apply products 1 hour before bedtime to allow sufficient time to penetrate the skin.

Exercise regularly ... It increases the flow of nutrients and oxygen to the skin, which gives the skin a natural, healthy glow.

Choose products carefully ... Everyone's skin is different, so try several to see which products work best for you and generating the effect of anti-competitive.

Never sleep with makeup ... Sleeping with makeup is not natural for your skin. It may also have a negative effect with your anti aging routine.

Aloe Vera can soothe skin that is red, irritated and blotchy. Apply directly to the skin.

Lotions for sensitive skin

Sensitive skin care involves lowering alcohol intake as well as not eating too much spicy food and consuming less caffeine. If you want to avoid sensitive skin every night apply home-made moisturizer on your face before retiring for the night and always wear UVA / UVB protection. Avoid sudden temperature changes. Control and manage stress as much as possible.

Facial cleansing nectar - is a form of cleansing lotion that offers extra nourishing and conditioning that benefits aging skin. A blend of organic sunflower, safflower and apricot oils to do this especially softening the skin clean. It 's good for all skin types and is particularly soothing for sensitive and delicate skin. It 's convenient to give up a pump bottle.

Sensitive skin is one that reacts to some skin products and also shows signs of irritation or redness. Everyone has skin that is a bit 'delicate and that is common between the blond and red haired people in their own skin usually reacts to irritants and turns blotchy or develops spots as well as rashes. Sensitive skin does not tan easily and instead only burns and freckles.

Garden of Eve Skin Care is a unique skin care that primarily use the essential oils of plants for their beneficial botanical ingredients. The oils are distilled from plants that are grown organically or wild craft. Eva's under strict quality standards, our products are hand crafted in small batches using herbs and essential oils in their purest form of organic and natural skin care product. These formulations are equal only to what you could do for themselves if they had time, inclination and knowledge. We bring the purity of nature to your personal skin care

Aveeno is very good for sensitive skin. Another option is jojoba oil or grapeseed oil.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oxygen Therapy. The New Feature in the Beauty Industry

You might have heard a lot about oxygen therapy in the media lately. It certainly has become the new buzz word in the industry. With celebrities such as Madonna, Heather Locklear, Donatella Versace and Gwen Stefani endorsing it and Madonna is even reported to have a machine in her home, there is certainly a lot of interest in this treatment.

So what is Oxygen Therapy and how does it work? We all need oxygen. We are surrounded by it. We breathe it in. Oxygen is the ultimate life support ingredient, helping cells to survive, reproduce and regenerate. Oxygen is also a healing agent, a provider of energy and it guards against unfriendly bacteria and disease. Science has shown us that our skin cells are the last to receive the oxygen we breathe in.

Also as we age the delivery of oxygen to the skin cells slows down which in turn slows down the cell regeneration. This causes the skin to become thinner and wrinkles and brown spots can start to appear. The skin can also have a general 'dulling'. Oxygen Therapy combats these symptoms by delivering a concentrated stream of oxygen directly to the skin, followed by an oxygen rich skin cream or serum.

According to Intraceuticals, an Australian company who developed the treatment along with a skincare range to go with it, the Oxygen facial is gentle, relaxing and soothing and is suitable for all skin types.

The facial promises to deliver skin that looks and feels years younger, is nourished and hydrated and the skin renewal is stimulated. The company also claims that your fine lines and blemishes virtually disappear in just a one 30 minute treatment. An increase in the levels of oxygen in the skin helps to enhance the skin cells' metabolic health, enhances new cell growth and the functioning of the blood vessels in the skin. The resulting increase in blood flow improves the body's ability to metabolise, absorb and utilise vitamins, minerals, proteins and other nutrients.

Oxygen also stimulates collagen production and the production of elastin fibres, all in all contributing to healthier, younger looking skin! The procedure involves six weekly treatments followed by monthly facials, costing $140-200 each.

If however you are a busy girl constantly on the go Tali by Tali Shine has developed the first Oxygen Therapy in a bottle. This fantastic little product is great if you are flying or generally spend a lot of time in air-conditioning which is extremely dehydrating for the skin. This product was created by using technology developed by NASA scientists. It is a 100% natural, non toxic, chemical free and pH balanced skin rejuvenating facial spray containing high levels of bio-available oxygen dissolved in highly filtered water.

At first this spray has a mild chlorine-like scent. But it is not unpleasant. The smell is due to the use of Atlantic sea salt in the manufacturing process. And if they put a fragrance in the product to mask the smell, this would have destabilised the oxygen. So we prefer the original smell. After having used the spray regularly I have noticed a definite brightening of my skin and it is an excellent product to keep with you at all times to re-hydrate your skin instantly.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Skin Lotion Reviews


Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Skin Lotion


Formula type : Lotion
Size : 8 oz. tube or 12 oz. pump
Price : *Est. $5 for 8 oz.
Main ingredients : Dimethicone, oat flour
Skin type : All
Fragrance : No
Other noteworthy features : Non-greasy, hypoallergenic.

- Fragrance-free
- Hypoallergenic
- Appropriate for anyone with sensitive skin

- Slightly sticky texture

Product Reviews

 Experts say Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion is a good, basic moisturizer. It doesn't contain any fragrance or other irritating ingredients like a lot of baby lotions, so reviewers say it is great for kids or anyone with sensitive skin. Some consumers at say the baby lotion is a bit sticky and isn't well absorbed, but most give it high ratings and several of them even claim to effectively use it on themselves. For adults, we found the best reviews for Lubriderm Advanced Therapy Triple Smoothing Lotion (*Est. $8 for 13.5 oz.), a moisturizing lotion that contains alpha hydroxy acid to smooth dry and rough skin.

 Paula Begoun reviews Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion on her website She compares it to other baby products and rates it accordingly, basing her opinions on scientific testing and research. Robin Elise Weiss, pregnancy guide for, lists Aveeno Baby Daily Moisture Lotion as one of the top nine baby-care products, though it is not clear what criteria was used to choose it. User reviews posted at also provide insight into consumer opinion of the lotion.