Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Skin care during pregnancy


Skin care during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hormonal changes affect our mood as well as on our skin, however, threatened by the considerable weight gain. It 'absolutely necessary to understand the needs of the epidermis and act accordingly with appropriate cleaning products and a routine that must be trimmed based on our new needs.

During pregnancy, every step must be carefully monitored, and before using any product you need to know the advantages and disadvantages that could cause the woman and child in particular many products for shock action against cellulite, acne and stretch marks, blemishes very common in pregnancy are not recommended as indicated on the package.

Here is a list of some of the cornerstones of skin care during pregnancy.

Protection from harmful sun rays.
During pregnancy, skin pigmentation may change and the effect of the sun can be very different than usual. solar products will then be chosen carefully, and even in the city must protect exposed areas like the face and hands

Bathes prolonged
Baths or showers are too long can cause severe dehydration of the skin, if that's your case should be avoided, and for the same reason in some cases may be necessary to give up swimming. In general, the skin hydration in pregnancy needs much greater than normal.

Maintain the Ph balance
This is very important and the choice of skin care products must be done in this direction

Using gel for feet and legs
Even if you've never used these types of lotions, during pregnancy it is best to start because these body parts are particularly stressed, especially in recent months

Adequate sleep
Even those accustomed to the small hours of sleep or have irregular rhythms should set a more healthy routine, ensuring many hours of sleep, even nine or ten if possible. Sleep, skin, and repair against damage caused by stress and pollution.

The cleansing must be done with non-aggressive: for a bath or shower, better focus formulations in cream or oil to avert that dehydration is often caused by normal body soap. For the face you can opt for neutral detergent for delicate and light scrub.

Eye Care
The eyes need special attention during pregnancy. Those who wear contact lenses may have problems caused by excessive dryness of the retina, even though these problems do not occur, it is strongly recommended to limit the use of lenses, not breached the 3-4 hours a day, and opting per diems, especially during the last months.

Some women suffer from acne during pregnancy. If a thorough daily cleaning does not solve the problem, you can contact a dermatologist, informing them of your condition so that it can only undergo the treatment allowed.

Even clothing can act more or less positively on the state of your skin during pregnancy, in particular, are recommended heads comfortable, soft and light, natural fibers, to avoid rashes and dermatitis. Even in winter, it is best to wear only cotton in contact with the skin, such as a long-sleeved t-shirt under the sweater.

As you know, nutrition during pregnancy should be light and healthy, rich in fruits and vegetables and water, among the various benefits this will also act positively on your skin.


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