Thursday, October 28, 2010

33 Skin Care Tips Part 2


Skin Care Tips Part

Tip 12: Tea Tree Oil against impurities
Tea tree oil (from Australia) in about five percent solution has a strong disinfectant and can kill pimples. After two to three days, the improvement will be visible.

Tip 13: Beware of extreme diets
In extreme fluctuations in body weight and the elastic fibers in the skin are affected. Massage, sports and body care can prevent this. Weight fluctuations to two kilos, however, are harmless.

Tip 14: Moisture for oily skin
In a greasy skin there is a Talgüberproduktion. In the care should be taken strictly on the skin of a lot of moisture, but no fat is added. are highly suitable hydrogel or a light oil-free fluid specifically for oily skin.

Tip 15: facial massage for better blood circulation
With only four handles, each 20 seconds used, can achieve excellent results. A nutrient cream is very good for the skin cream with a soothing massage to connect.

1. Apply with two palms wide area of the nose, cheeks towards your ears.
2. The forehead with the index, middle and ring fingers like a fan removed from the starting nose to the hairline.
3. Drawing with both middle and ring fingers half-circle around the mouth.
4. stress in a train on bridge of nose and eyebrows.

Tip 16: moisturizer on damp skin
Wet skin is swollen and receptive than dry. So it is recommended moisturizers in this state in an upward and circular motions to apply.

Tip 17: moisture for dry skin
Moisturizing agents such as ceramides, Hyoloronsäure or synthetically produced urea inject water into the dry skin and create moisture deposits. Since very dry skin from even this is not in a position to recommend the use of so-called moisturizers.

Tip 18: Avoid red veins
Anyone sensitive to rosacea (extended red veins) prone skin will not charge more, should avoid high temperature falls. Hazard zones are sauna, solarium and air-conditioned rooms. Even the consumption of nicotine, alcohol and spicy foods should be restricted.

Tip 19: steam makes the skin more receptive
Heat and rising steam open the pores, make the skin more receptive and allow the active ingredients penetrate better. It is recommended that the face mask to pair it with a full bath. By the same principle, the skin can be prepared with warm compresses on care. Just a beach towel in hot water, heat it out well and put on the skin. Repeat the process several times.
Note: Apply the mask to exfoliate before making that optimizes the inclusion of the substances

Tip 20: neck pampered with oil Wrap
From the age of 35 years should be regularly done something for the often neglected neck area, because the skin there is very fast limp and wrinkled. To be effective in oil wrap have been found: three teaspoons of warmed oil (eg, almond, avocado, sunflower, wheat germ, olive, or burdock root oil) with the same amount of liquid honey, mix and paint with a makeup brush on the match between chin and collar bone. Ready pocketed the lot is covered with a damp cotton cloth and wrapped with a soft Frottetuch. Remove after half an hour.

Tip 21: Tired eyes refresh
Half a teaspoon of herbs from the pharmacy as eyebright, linden flowers and fennel with 125 ml of boiling water to cool move, and leave. Two cotton pads soaked with juice and put on the back before they are placed for about 10 minutes on the closed eyelids. There are also ready-eye-pads, which are already soaked in decongestant.

Tip 22: Ice massage for good circulation
Best to use distilled water with a dash of lemon juice accumulate and freeze. For better blood circulation as the legs that give ice cubes on a laundry stain and rub in circles. The cold shock brings the blood vessels to rapidly move in together. The lemon has an astringent effect.


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