Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beer for the beauty!

 What beer fans have always suspected, confirmed the science: In moderation, the beer is a light and sweet refreshment for body and soul. Beer makes relaxed, sociable and promotes valuable thanks to active ingredients even health. Still eludes us while drinking the best.

To make the beer more durable, that is filtered to 50 years from the resulting yeast during fermentation. Especially in this "primeval mud" but a real treasure lies in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and trace elements. But you do not give up so much good. Biolab has packed all the high-quality ingredients in tablets and brewer's yeast flakes - piece by piece, concentrated beauty and power.

For since the proportion of vitamin B1, B2 and B6 is particularly high in nature, the yeast products the purest beauty treatment for the skin. Blemishes are in fact often the result of a deficiency of B vitamins, so that regular consumption of beer yeast makes the skin beautifully clean and clear. Yeast from biological laboratory is available in drugstores and food retailers.


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